Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30
166 Mine Brook Rd

Stormwater Management

Stormwater Management = Clean Water

Items that people discard on the ground or into a storm drain can end up in our water which does not get treated before it reaches our streams and rivers.  Pollution on streets, parking lots and lawns is washed by rain into storm drains, then directly into  our water bodies leading to other town's streams and rivers, then eventually to the ocean.  

Everyone can help make sure contaminants stay out of our water, including fertilizer, oil, pesticides, detergents and pet waste.  By sharing the responsibility and keeping common pollutants out of stormwater, it saves on the high cost of cleaning up pollution.

A 1-inch rainfall in the Borough of Bernardsville generates millions of gallons of stormwater.  Some is absorbed into green spaces while most of it is discharged into our two (2) Watershed Management Areas (WMA's).  The runoff is conveyed into these WMA's through the Borough's storm sewer network and downstream through other Towns.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention and Management Plans

The Borough of Bernardsville Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan details the best practices maintained at the Borough of Bernardsville to stay in compliance with Master General Permit No. NJG0151068 (Category R9) for Tier A Municipal  Separate Storm Sewer Systems (Tier A MS4 NJPDES Permit).

As a part of a certification process to ensure continued conformance with its New Jersey Polluton Discharge Elinimation System Tier A municipal permit, the Borough of Bernardsville is required to post the following: